Easton's 14 month update
February 9, 2021
I have everything from updates, milestones, his current schedule, how we transitioned from the bottle, his favorite things, some "firsts", his personality and how we transitioned from two naps to one. I know right- holy crap. Hope you have a snack! Speaking of snacks, I'm going to do a separate blog post on his what he eats, meal ideas, etc.
Updates & Milestones:
- Easton started walking at 13 months & now he practically runs (everything we have used to baby proof is linked here!)
- 24lbs and 31.5" tall
- wears 18 month clothing and is in between a size 4 & 5 shoe
- size 4 diapers (we love Pampers Swaddlers)
- claps for himself
- has recently really started loving Emmy & Frankie (our dogs) and plays hide and seek with them
- loves emptying drawers and making messes lol
- can shoot his basketball in his basketball hoop
- loves bath time (we typically do every other day) but has started wanting to stand by the faucet which of course freaks me out lol
- blows kisses
- loves Cocomelon ( we barely do any screen time but I'm becoming more chill about it)
- knows where his: head, eyes, nose and tongue are
- says Dada, yay & waves bye (really making me wait for mama!), working on speech + sign language
- loves to eat but has started to become picky at lunch
- getting his molars in, he has 10 teeth
- LOVES his lovey
- has started opening doors
- makes animal noises (puppy, bear, kitty kat)
- sleeps 7/8pm - 7/7:30am
- started swim class again once a week, I'm looking into other fun things for him (music, gymnastics, etc.)
- loves "cheers-ing"
- just got his first haircut!
Current Schedule:
7-7:45am wake up (we don't wake him but it's typically always around this time) & whole milk out of a straw cup
8:30am breakfast
10am snack
11:30am lunch
12-12:30pm goes down for nap
Nap is anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours (haven't made it to the 3 hour mark yet)
3pm whole milk out of a straw cup & snack after
5:30-6pm dinner
6:30pm bath
7pm bedtime (which includes bottle of milk, going to wean the bottle completely soon)
Bottle Transition:
I exclusively breastfed Easton for a little over 12 months. He had a few bottles of breastmilk in a bottle during that time (if Justin fed him/my mom/etc). So when Easton weaned himself from breastfeeding (full blog post about that here) we started giving him milk from a bottle. I didn't think it would be a hard transition at all because he never really drank from a bottle and wasn't attached but I was wrong. He loved the bottle. Mostly because he could tip it back and fling it around when he drank it. Luckily I found a few cups he really likes. Here are the cups we use! I am going to do a full review on them soon.
He gets milk 3x a day. Our doctor recommended 16-20oz of cows milk a day and we give him three 7oz cups a day. He always leaves an oz or two typically. When we first transitioned I took away the afternoon bottle and replaced it with a cup. After a couple days I did that with the morning bottle. He is doing great even though he was reluctant at first. Currently he still gets one bottle at nighttime but we will wean that soon.
Favorite Toys/ Things to do (I'll link it all below!)
- listening to music / dancing (his favorites are The Weeknd, Mandisa & Baby Shark), we love our Echo Dot
- read books (he loves lift the flap books and I just got him these poke a dot books)
- looking out the window / banging on it lol
- play with his kitchen sink
- puzzles
- his musical instrument set
- ride his 4 wheeler
- ball pit
- sit in his comfy chair & eat his snack
- play with the remote & watch Cocomelon
- doing laps around the kitchen with Frankie (our dog)
- being sick (he had Croup at 14 months)
- being away from me & Justin for a full day (10-6pm he went to my sisters)
- throwing a tantrum in public (he lost his sh*t the other day at Target when we were checking out)
- goose egg bruise (he just fell a couple days ago & has a big bruise on his forehead
- he's honestly so sweet, he leans into us and gives hugs and kisses
- he just started to be "clingy" (like wants mama/dada)
- very inquisitive / super nosey
- he loves joking, he'll go to hand you something and take it back and laugh
- can definitely be moody if he's tired / hungry (wonder who he gets that from...guilty)
- he definitely understands "no" and will look at us when he knows he shouldn't be doing something to see our reaction
- he sits with his feet crossed when he eats and I love it
Nap Transition (two to one)
I'll be honest I held onto to two naps for as long as possible but he was showing us multiple signs he was ready for one nap (the biggest was that he started refusing to take his second nap or when he would take it, it would only be 30 minutes). He started this right around 13-14 months.
I read this blog post and it was super helpful. To sum it up we just started pushing his first nap later and later until we hit the 12pm mark. When he did two naps he would nap at 10am but when we started transitioning we did a few days at 10:30, a few days at 11am then eventually got to noon.
Easton at his 15 month old check up!
I love sharing things with you about Easton. Being a mom is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. I feel like I'm leaving information out but if I think of anything else I'll add it in! Let me know on Instagram if you have any other questions. I love hearing from you guys! xx

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